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扈鲁的画作和他对葫芦的兴趣使我感到十分好奇I was interested in Hu

来源: 世界侨网  日期:2019-05-17 13:07:22  点击:10244 

    我的父亲,比尔鲍尔,喜欢做手工。他非常喜欢收集旧瓶子,将野草莓做成果酱,并想方设法将油漆和找到的材料结合成有趣的东西。我的父亲是新布伦瑞克大学(UNB)的英语教授。他还是一位诗人。他聪明、谦虚、有趣,深受许多人的喜爱。他和我的母亲在新布伦瑞克省弗雷德里克顿的一座小房子里养大了三个孩子。从表面上看,我们那条街上的邻居都非常普通,但如果你注意一下斯坦利街252号左右的几家,就会发现一些古怪的艺术品挂在树上和后院周围。最受关注的是龙虾陷阱的精简版 - 这是一个标志性的旅游纪念品,经常出现在夏季离开Maritimes的汽车车顶上。它是由我父亲用榫钉塑造的,漆成红色,并装满了精美的葫芦。那些葫芦已经经过栽培、治愈,并在他的手上被装饰。经历过如此令人满意的过程,他发现自己有富余的空间,因此诞生了制作葫芦夹子的想法。当我父亲在2010年去世时,我发现自己也在想葫芦。他生命的最后几年对我来说很艰难,但随着悲伤的层层逐渐消失,我开始对他的葫芦着迷起来。当我重新记起关于父亲的美好回忆时,我对这些葫芦产生了好奇并决心种起它们。在继承了我父亲的爱好之后,我已经会画葫芦、拍摄葫芦和雕刻葫芦了,而种植葫芦是一个有趣的挑战。 
    My father, Bill Bauer, loved to make things. He took great pleasure in collecting old bottles, turning wild strawberries into jam, and in finding ways to combine paint and the materials he fonud into something interesting as well. My father was an English professor at the University of New Brunswick. He was a poet and teacher and a clever, humble and funny man loved by many. He and my mother raised three children in a tiny house on the hill in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Families on our street were seemingly ordinary, but a little poking around two-five-two Stanley Street would reveal quirky artworks hanging from the trees and around the back yard. The mosttalked about was the fac-similé of a lobster trap - the iconic tourist souvenir, often seen on the roof of cars departing the Maritimes in the summertime. It was fashioned by my dad from dowels, painted red, and filled with beautifully painted gourds. Those gourds had been cultivated, cured, and decorated at his hand. From the satisfying process, he came up with the idea of making gourd trap. When my father died in 2010, I found myself thinking about the  
    gourds. The last years of his life were difficult. As the sadness gradually dismissing, I became fascinated with his gourds. Unfortunately, the gourd trap led to the deterioration of his health condition. As I rekindled the fond memories of dad, I became curious and decided to learn to grow them. ,Hav inherited my dad’s passionI was able to paint, shoot and carve gourds. What’s more, the planting of them brought to me many interesting challenges.  
    这一年,我的葫芦旅程又有了新的篇章:我的妻子是新布伦瑞克省教育部的一名员工,在孔子学院与新布伦瑞克省关系的十周年特别庆祝活动中, 约翰麦克劳林副部长向前来出席活动的扈鲁教授介绍了她。当时扈鲁还向孔子学院捐赠了大量的葫芦画作,以庆祝中国与加拿大的关系。通过翻译,她解释了她与葫芦的特殊关系,她和扈教授使用现代科技-手机来给对方展示葫芦艺术品的照片。 
   。I had been at this new venture about a year when my wife, an employee at the department of Education and Early Childhood Development, was at a special celebration for the Confucius Institute’s relationship with New Brunswick. Deputy John McLaughlin introduced her to Prof. Hu,who had donated a large collection of his paintings of gourds to celebrate the relationship between China and Canada. Through a translator, she explained her special connection to gourds. She and Prof. Hu shared the artistic pieces of grounds with each other through their mobile phones. 
    几个月后,TJ(孔子学院滕菁院长)正在和金伯利(我的太太)聊天,并提到扈教授想要购买我的一件彩绘葫芦艺术品。 这是第一次有人提出购买我的一个葫芦,因为扈教授对它们如此感兴趣,于是我决定送给他一个。 既然是我父亲引起了我对葫芦的兴趣,我母亲和我决定也送给扈教授一个我父亲的葫芦艺术品。 扈教授的葫芦画作和他对葫芦的兴趣使我感到十分好奇,也让我印象深刻。 金伯利、我的儿子威尔和我把两个小葫芦送给了TJ,TJ将它们带到了中国并转送给了扈鲁教授。 
    I had been at this new venture about a year when my wife, an employee at the department of Education and Early Childhood Development, was at a special celebration for the Confucius Institute’s relationship with New Brunswick. Deputy John McLaughlin introduced her to Prof. Hu,who had donated a large collection of his paintings of gourds to celebrate the relationship between China and Canada. Through a translator, she explained her special connection to gourds. She and Prof. Hu shared the artistic pieces of grounds with each other through their mobile phones. 
    在此之后,Kimberly又见到了TJ,她从中国给我带回了一些东西。 她带来了扈教授的礼物——葫芦画。 当我看到他美丽的画作时,想象一下我当时喜悦的心情吧! 我把扈鲁的画作认真装裱了,把它挂在我家的一个非常突出的地方(请看附带照片)。 当人们看到它时,他们会问我这是什么, 我就会开心地告诉他们这个故事,一个对葫芦的兴趣促进了两个家庭又从一个国家到另外一个国家之间联络和友情的故事。 
     Following this, Kimberly met up with TJ, who brought something to me. She had brought a gift from Prof. Hu—a painting of guard. Imagine my delight when I saw that. I had his painting framed and it is hanging in a very prominent place in my house (picture included). When people see it, they ask me about it. I enjoy telling them the story that an interest in gourds facilitated the connection and fostered the friendship between two familiesfrom one country to another.  
John Bauer 
December 2019 

