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“最葫芦·葫芦文化丝路行”走进日本“Glamour of the Gourd·Gourd Cultu

来源: 世界侨网  日期:2019-04-03 09:17:19  点击:10313 

    On June 5th, 2014, the 39th Annual Exhibition of the Association for All Nippon Gourd Fanciers was held in the Tobe-Town Bunkakaikan in Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan. “Glamour of the Gourd---Gourd Culture Tour along the Silk Road” Exhibition as a specially invited activity last two days, attracting many gourd culture lovers and local residents. 

    The Annual Exhibition of the Association for All Nippon Gourd Fanciers is the largest gourd culture and art exchange event in Japan, with over 350 gourd artworks and products displayed this year, covering gourd planting and breeding, gourd craftwork and processing, etc. The flower and bird paintings about gourd from Chinese painters displayed in an especially-made exhibition area have become a highlight of the exhibition. 

    During the two-day exhibition, a total of twenty pieces of flower-and-bird paintings about gourd by Hu Lu were exhibited. The unique composition, color and artistic feature of Chinese ink and wash paintings were fully displayed in his work, revealing the harmony between human and nature and were thus highly appreciated by viewers.
    Over one thousand local residents have come to see the freehand gourd paintings exhibition. Among them, a lady fluent in Chinese showed great interest in Hu Lu’s paintings. While listening to the introduction, she appreciated each work to the full and highly praised the paintings. She said she would find a chance to go to Qufu (birthplace of Confucius) someday to learn traditional Chinese culture and exchange ideas about art face to face with Hu Lu.
    It is reported that in March 2013, Tsutomu Tokida, President of the Association for All Nippon Gourd Fanciers, made a special trip to Qufu, and visited the Gourd Painting Studio and the Gourd Cultural Center founded by Hu Lu. During his visit, he fully exchanged ideas about academic communication and cooperation of gourd art with Hu Lu and finally they both reached an agreement on holding this exhibition in Japan. Failing to attend the exhibition in person, Hu Lu wrote a letter in particular to show his willingness to bestow all the twenty pieces of paintings displayed on the exhibition to the Association for All Nippon Gourd Fanciers. On behalf of the Association, Tsutomu Tokida accepted the donation. 

    After the exhibition, Tsutomu Tokida wrote in reply to congratulate on the success of the exhibition, and expressed his gratitude on Hu Lu’s contribution to the National Exhibition of the Association for All Nippon Gourd Fanciers. He said in the letter that it was a great honour to receive Hu Lu’s gift, which would be exhibited again at an appropriate time later. He also sincerely invited Hu Lu to participate in the opening of the painting exhibition and other exhibitions held by the Association for All Nippon Gourd Fanciers. 


全日本爱瓢会会长 时田勉 
A letter to Hu Lu by Tsutomu Tokida 
June, 2014 

Dear Mr. Hu Lu, 
It has been a long time since we met last time. 
How is everything going with you? 
After the coordination and efforts of all parties, your twenty pieces of gourd paintings were officially exhibited at the annual exhibition of the Association for All Nippon Gourd Fanciers in 2014 in Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku, and won a good reputation. Viewers all spoke highly of you and the excellent young painters from Qufu, and were eager to have a face-to-face communication with you. So we hope we can see you soon in Japan to exchange ideas with peers of gourd field and you can appreciate Japanese gourd paintings of various styles. Photos and DVD of this exhibition will be mailed to you later. 
Hope to see you soon! 
Best wishes! 
With sincerity! 
Tsutomu Tokida, 
President of the Association for All Nippon Gourd Fanciers 

